How to Actually Keep Your Perfume No-Buy Resolution This Year

It's a new year, and with new years come new resolutions.In the world of perfume and cologne enthusiasts, [...]
Is Being Left Out in the Cold Bad for Perfume?

A month and a half ago I was waiting anxiously on a little box of samples in the mail. It was days before I had [...]
5 Creative Ways to Give the Perfect Perfume or Cologne Gift

Previously, I've written about why you shouldn't give perfume or cologne as a gift.But let's say you've read [...]
7 Reasons Not to Give Perfume or Cologne as a Gift

'Tis the holiday season, and affiliate-link-littered perfume gift guides by aspiring bloggers abound.After [...]
7 Questions to Ask Yourself to Find Your First Fragrance

Every time a friend of mine decides they want to find a perfume or cologne they like, I'm incredibly excited to [...]
Ask Sophie: Should I Tell My Friend I Regifted Her Gift?

Dear Sophie,A few years ago, a friend of mine went on a vacation that ended in a visit to a perfume boutique. [...]
Ask Sophie: My Boyfriend Doesn’t Like My Signature Scent

Dear Sophie,For almost two years now, I've worn Guerlain's Mitsouko Eau de Parfum almost every day. I simply [...]